


JWT (J. Walter Thompson), Paris


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Tele2 “Bear” + “Turkey” (00:30) each #
In these two Tele2 commercials, nothing
is able to distract the protagonist from the
task of perusing his exceedingly low telephone bills. Neither the bearskin in front
of the hearth, which is desperately trying
to save its rear after this is set alight by a
stray spark from the open fireplace, nor
the roast goose which, rising up from the
set table, awkwardly flaps its wings as it
knocks a few pictures off the wall and,
finally, nosedives its way out of the window … Super: “The incredible thing is
how much this man saves with Tele2.”

More: JWT (J. Walter Thompson) Paris

More: Tele2

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Tele2 “Bear” + “Turkey” (00:30) each # In these two Tele2 commercials, nothing is able to distract the protagonist from the task of perusing his exceedingly low telephone bills. Neither the bearskin in front of the hearth, which is desperately trying to save its rear after this is set alight by a stray spark from the open fireplace, nor the roast goose which, rising up from the set table, awkwardly flaps its wings as it knocks a few pictures off the wall and, finally, nosedives its way out of the window ... Super: “The incredible thing is how much this man saves with Tele2.”

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