The Observer
Wieden + Kennedy, London
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The Observer: “Gobble-di-News” [00:30]# The endless flood of news – most especially television news – can render its content virtually incomprehensible. In this spot for The Observer newspaper, this fact is demonstrated by a foreign correspondent covering stories from the most diverse of locations. A rapidly intercut edit of his reports turns his words into nothing less than gibberish. How refreshing, therefore, to sit back and open a up newspaper. Super: “Pause. Review. Reflect. With the new Observer and extracts from Andrew Rawnsley’s revealing new book.“ (Rawnsley is a prize-winning political journalist.)
- Client The Observer
- Ad Agency Wieden + Kennedy, London
- Art Director Ben Terrett
- Copywriter Rob Burleigh , David Stevenson
- Production Company Moon, London
- Director David Kerr