


Leagas Delaney, London


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Timberland: “Bait” [01:00]# A young man is jogging through the forest when a wild boar suddenly appears from behind the trees and starts to pursue him. A pack of wolves then come along and join in the chase, which takes them over rocks and roots until a bear appears and blocks their path. Yet this is no problem for the new “Mountain Athletic” series of shoes from Timberland. Quick as a flash, the jogger exits the woods, leaving the animals far behind Super: “If you’re not fast enough, you’re food.”

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Timberland: "Bait" [01:00]# A young man is jogging through the forest when a wild boar suddenly appears from behind the trees and starts to pursue him. A pack of wolves then come along and join in the chase, which takes them over rocks and roots until a bear appears and blocks their path. Yet this is no problem for the new “Mountain Athletic” series of shoes from Timberland. Quick as a flash, the jogger exits the woods, leaving the animals far behind Super: “If you’re not fast enough, you’re food.”

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