

Tintas Coral

Giovanni+DraftFCB, Sao Paulo


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Coral “Wedding” + “Party” [00:30]# In this campaign a couple use all kinds of tricks to get samples of colors they like from people who happen to be wearing a certain color. They know that with Coral Paints they can get exactly the same color as the color of the sample they got hold of. In “Wedding” it is the apricot of matron’s handkerchief which the husband borrows and noisily blows his nose in, just to make sure the owner doesn’t want it back. In “Party” it is the blue of a woman’s dress the wife wants their door to be painted in. In this case the husband takes it upon himself to dance with the woman wearing that dress and rips off a sequin of her dress with his teeth. His wife is very pleased with her husband’s skill in procuring color sample. Claim: “Coral the color of your dreams.”

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Coral "Wedding" + "Party" [00:30]# In this campaign a couple use all kinds of tricks to get samples of colors they like from people who happen to be wearing a certain color. They know that with Coral Paints they can get exactly the same color as the color of the sample they got hold of. In "Wedding" it is the apricot of matron's handkerchief which the husband borrows and noisily blows his nose in, just to make sure the owner doesn't want it back. In "Party" it is the blue of a woman's dress the wife wants their door to be painted in. In this case the husband takes it upon himself to dance with the woman wearing that dress and rips off a sequin of her dress with his teeth. His wife is very pleased with her husband's skill in procuring color sample. Claim: "Coral the color of your dreams."

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