Today´s Nursing Homes
Arnold, Boston
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Left: At home these glasses can help dad see: today´s paper “Good
Morning America”,”The Price is Right”, the tea kittle on the stone, his
grandchildren, the neighbor´s yard, the mailman, a good book, “Ophra”,
“Wheel of Fortune.” Right: At nursing home theses glasses can help dad
see: today´s paper “Good Morning America”, a doctor, some friends, his
grandchildren, a lunch menu, his neighbors when thay visit, a physical
therapist, someone´s nickel (and raise them a quarter), the courtyard in
bloom, a sociel worker, a good barber, his favorite movie, a friend through
crises, a nurse`s aid at 3 am..
- Client Today´s Nursing Homes
- Ad Agency Arnold, Boston
- Art Director Paul Renner
- Copywriter David Abend
- Photographer Daniel Proctor
More: Arnold Boston
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