Touching Masterpieces
Geometry, Prague
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The National Gallery of Prague helps the blind and visually impaired to experience famous masterpieces with the assistance of haptic VR.
Actually being able to touch a sculpture using the specially developed gloves pushes experience into new dimensions, adding something that was previously missing.
Juan Pena & Richard Casal: “The insight behind this idea is so true and relatable, every museum in the world has the “No touching” sign somewhere. And that’s a particular obstacle for the blind and how they experience art. When technology actually enables new experiences for people with disabilities, that’s when we can truly see its power. That’s why we think this idea is so powerful. It’s simple. It creates a new experience.
One that anyone would like to live.”
- Client The National Gallery of Prague
- Ad Agency Geometry, Prague
- Creative Director Julia Dovlatova, Lluis Rotger, Carlos Baer
- Art Director Andrei Didyk
- Copywriter Kai Granaas
- Production Company Telegram Films
- Director Barbara Hucková
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