Transport for London
M&C Saatchi, London
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Transport For London “The Day You Went
To Work” (01:00) #
A series of humdrum everyday events
and observations of a man rising to the
sound of his alarm, getting ready for
work and riding his motorcycle to work.
Suddenly, a car door opens, something
the man on the motorbike sees too late.
A horrible crash ensues and, as we learn,
the man loses the use of his legs as a
result. Super: “Most accidents happen
on familiar journeys. Ride the roads you
know as carefully as the ones you don’t.”
A commercial commissioned by The
Mayor of London, THINK, a road safety
organization, and Transport For London.
- Client Transport for London
- Ad Agency M&C Saatchi, London
- Art Director Will Bate
- Copywriter Curtis Brittles
- Production Company Gorgeous
- Director Vince Squibb