


Grey, London


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Twix “Tandem” (00:30) #
At the beginning of this commercial
for Twix, one feels as if one watching a
nouvelle vague movie, and the voiceover
is also in French. A young couple
on a trip out into the country are sharing
all the beautiful things they see
along the way. Pedalling away on the
tandem with one’s girlfriend does, however,
make one work up a bit of an appetite.
Fortunately, and invitingly, a Twix
is to be seen lying in the basket on the
bicycle. But the guy has a little business
to attend to first, and the branch of a
tree lying in their path presents the perfect
opportunity. He quickly puts his
head down while the girl unceremoniously
ends up on her butt. Twix – Two
for one. That’s something you won’t
want to share.

More: Grey London

More: Twix

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Twix “Tandem” (00:30) # At the beginning of this commercial for Twix, one feels as if one watching a nouvelle vague movie, and the voiceover is also in French. A young couple on a trip out into the country are sharing all the beautiful things they see along the way. Pedalling away on the tandem with one’s girlfriend does, however, make one work up a bit of an appetite. Fortunately, and invitingly, a Twix is to be seen lying in the basket on the bicycle. But the guy has a little business to attend to first, and the branch of a tree lying in their path presents the perfect opportunity. He quickly puts his head down while the girl unceremoniously ends up on her butt. Twix – Two for one. That’s something you won’t want to share.

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