


FCB Inferno, London


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UEFA “Together #WePlayStrong”
A girl gingerly pushing open the gate to a soccer pitch is, with energetic movements of the hand and a top tossed in her direction, encouraged to join in. Around the world, many other girls like her enjoy playing soccer – and at a very high level. The girl we see here plays better and better until she sprouts those proverbial wings. When another potential recruit steps onto the pitch, the same procedure is repeated. Slip on the jersey and off you go! A commercial targeting all soccer-loving teenage girls.

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UEFA “Together #WePlayStrong” A girl gingerly pushing open the gate to a soccer pitch is, with energetic movements of the hand and a top tossed in her direction, encouraged to join in. Around the world, many other girls like her enjoy playing soccer – and at a very high level. The girl we see here plays better and better until she sprouts those proverbial wings. When another potential recruit steps onto the pitch, the same procedure is repeated. Slip on the jersey and off you go! A commercial targeting all soccer-loving teenage girls.

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