

UHA Mikakuto

Hakuhodo, Tokyo


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UHA Mikakuto “Long Long Man”#
An absolutely hilarious narrative, crackling and sparkling from start to finish, revolving around the relative merits of “long”. In a rather unusual series of discrete episodic commercials, numbering no fewer than eleven (!) in all, it tells the tale of a young couple enjoying gummy candies every time they get together. Until, that is, something – or someone – upsets their gummy love story, perplexing and bewildering each of them in turn … A captivating campaign sure to sweeten your day.

More: Hakuhodo Tokyo

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UHA Mikakuto

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UHA Mikakuto “Long Long Man”# An absolutely hilarious narrative, crackling and sparkling from start to finish, revolving around the relative merits of “long”. In a rather unusual series of discrete episodic commercials, numbering no fewer than eleven (!) in all, it tells the tale of a young couple enjoying gummy candies every time they get together. Until, that is, something – or someone – upsets their gummy love story, perplexing and bewildering each of them in turn … A captivating campaign sure to sweeten your day.

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