Unstoppable Résumé
FamousGrey, Paris
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Reentering the labor market is difficult for everyone after some major illness or injury, but for cancer patients it is even harder due to a large blank space on their résumé. Cancer@Work therefore devised a device to help such people find their place in the professional world. This device fills the blank space with experience and skills the patient gained while fighting cancer – written in white on white, invisible to the human eye but visible to applicant tracking systems – which allows their CVs to pass through the filters of recruiters’ software. These often exclude people with a longer period of inactivity on their CV.
Björn Ståhl: “I had no idea bots were used to select candidates for jobs. That is terrible. Good thing someone came up with an idea to hack it. I love ideas that use advertising skills to help humanity. This one does it in a very clever way to help people that have gone through very tough times.
- Client Cancer@Work
- Ad Agency FamousGrey, Paris
- Creative Director Régis Boulanger, Romain Repellin
- Art Director Bertille Vermot
- Copywriter Jean Estauver, Alexandre Dufayet
- Director François-Xavier Repellin
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