Kitchen, Oslo
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Thorn Rental “Party Tricks” + “Rocket Scientist” [00:30]#
A man without a TV set may be terribly intelligent but he’s not very entertaining, he finds. Renting a TV set from Thorn solves his social problem. He studies and analyses all the comedy programs to become a smash success by doing inane party tricks. The second commercial features a suburban mother fretting about her wayward son after he is caught by the police for roaming the streets. Thinking that a TV set will distract him from this delinquent behaviour, she rents a set from Thorn. The transformation works. Her son – now wearing glasses and a tie – becomes a fan of science shows and starts trying out complex pyrotechnical experiments on the family cat. Pay-off: “Thank you Thorn. Rent and be free.”
- Client Thorn Rental
- Ad Agency Kitchen, Oslo
- Art Director Julian Visard
- Copywriter Alan Young
- Production Company Cowboy Films, London
- Director Jesse Peretezy