


Dentsu, Tokyo


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DDI : “Reception” [00:45]# The hotel manager has noticed that the bellhop has his shirt tail hanging out of his fly. He tries to explain this to the man using a combination of facial expressions, eye signals, and telepathy so as not to draw any customers’ attention to the situation. But the bellhop mistakes the manager’s attempt at non-verbal communication for some heavy duty flirting. The problem could have been avoided if he had just used his cellphone. The spot was awarded for its humor by the jurors at the Asia-Pacific Advertising Festival.

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DDI : "Reception" [00:45]# The hotel manager has noticed that the bellhop has his shirt tail hanging out of his fly. He tries to explain this to the man using a combination of facial expressions, eye signals, and telepathy so as not to draw any customers' attention to the situation. But the bellhop mistakes the manager's attempt at non-verbal communication for some heavy duty flirting. The problem could have been avoided if he had just used his cellphone. The spot was awarded for its humor by the jurors at the Asia-Pacific Advertising Festival.

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