


BETC, Paris


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BNP “Parlons d´avenir” [00:45]# The opening of what looks like a futurist city at which the founder and architect addresses the community. Just as he begins his speech, the action is halted and the camera travels out of the building and back into the past, showing a few steps along the development until we arrive at the moment when the BNP bank manager assured the architect (then a young man with black hair) of the bank’s support.

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BNP "Parlons d´avenir" [00:45]# The opening of what looks like a futurist city at which the founder and architect addresses the community. Just as he begins his speech, the action is halted and the camera travels out of the building and back into the past, showing a few steps along the development until we arrive at the moment when the BNP bank manager assured the architect (then a young man with black hair) of the bank's support.

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