


BETC, Paris


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“La Reincarnation” [00:40]# Breathtaking images of a Buddhist holy man’s funeral in some Tibetan monastery. VO tells us that this lama’s spirit was so pure that it chose a drop of rain to be the vehicle of his reincarnation. We see this drop of rain slowly falling, making its way towards a speeding Citroen Xsara, which the lama apparently wants to merge with for his next stage. Yet the drop misses the car by an inch. “Oh shit,” an unidentified MVO can be heard muttering.

More: BETC Paris

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"La Reincarnation" [00:40]# Breathtaking images of a Buddhist holy man's funeral in some Tibetan monastery. VO tells us that this lama's spirit was so pure that it chose a drop of rain to be the vehicle of his reincarnation. We see this drop of rain slowly falling, making its way towards a speeding Citroen Xsara, which the lama apparently wants to merge with for his next stage. Yet the drop misses the car by an inch. "Oh shit," an unidentified MVO can be heard muttering.

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