


Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), London


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Olivio “Hand Down” [00:30]# Olivio is a low fat spread made from olive oil, which in this commercial is presented as one of the secrets behind the longevity of the Mediterranean people. The commercial features five generations of the Gamberini family: in each shot a member is told by his senior that one day family delicatessin will be his. In the last scene the true head of the family, a wizened patriarch begins the usual speech: “One day, my sons.” and then passes out. Just as everyone rushes to his aid, the old geezer opened his eyes and burst out laughing. His family know that they’ll have to wait a little longer for the inheritance.

More: Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) London

More: Olivio

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Olivio "Hand Down" [00:30]# Olivio is a low fat spread made from olive oil, which in this commercial is presented as one of the secrets behind the longevity of the Mediterranean people. The commercial features five generations of the Gamberini family: in each shot a member is told by his senior that one day family delicatessin will be his. In the last scene the true head of the family, a wizened patriarch begins the usual speech: "One day, my sons." and then passes out. Just as everyone rushes to his aid, the old geezer opened his eyes and burst out laughing. His family know that they'll have to wait a little longer for the inheritance.

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