


Leo Burnett, Santiago


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Cristalerias Chile “Arena” + “Polaroid” [00:30]# Two tabletop commercials that tell us why to choose glass rather than other packaging materials. “Sand” opens on a hand pouring a pile of sand onto a surface. This magic back into a glass jar. This becomes sand once again. This becomes 2 smaller glass containers. Glass doesn’t pollute or leave residues because it is 100% recyclable. “Can” shows us a glass jar and a can, side by side. A hand picks up strawberries one by one. Examines the, and puts the perfect ones into the glass jar, the bruised ones into the can. A photo is taken of the strawberries in the jar and is used to make a label for the can. “Only with glass can you see what you get.”

More: Leo Burnett Santiago

More: Cristalerias Chile

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Cristalerias Chile "Arena" + "Polaroid" [00:30]# Two tabletop commercials that tell us why to choose glass rather than other packaging materials. "Sand" opens on a hand pouring a pile of sand onto a surface. This magic back into a glass jar. This becomes sand once again. This becomes 2 smaller glass containers. Glass doesn't pollute or leave residues because it is 100% recyclable. "Can" shows us a glass jar and a can, side by side. A hand picks up strawberries one by one. Examines the, and puts the perfect ones into the glass jar, the bruised ones into the can. A photo is taken of the strawberries in the jar and is used to make a label for the can. "Only with glass can you see what you get."

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