TBWA, Paris
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Douce. 4 spots [00:15]# With these minimalist spots for Douce brand chicken, you get the feeling you´re staring at a grill oven instead of the TV. A fat roast chicken is slowly turning on the skewer. Then type appears. In our selection these lines read, in sequence: “Whoever said there was nothing good on TV?” “Typical TV ad: everything is goodlooking, tanned and wholesome.” ”Here an ad for at least 4 to 5 people – though not for the dog.” And: “It´s easy to capture an audience with a pair of legs like these.”
- Client Douce
- Ad Agency TBWA, Paris
- Art Director Olivier Courtemanche
- Copywriter Ghislaine de Villoutreys
- Production Company Epithete, Paris
- Director Jean-Louis Bloch-Laine