


hasan & partners, Helsinki


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3 Spots [00:30]# The framework for this amusing Finish campaign for the Chap chocolate bar is that the two manufacturers are very happy with their product but they haven’t yet got a TV commercial to advertise it. Most of the three commercials we are presenting here are in fact three different attempts of an agency to come up with a solution. All of them are terrible and do not leave out a single advertising cliché. The two elderly makers comment on them accordingly. And each of the actual spots we see ends with a pack shot and end line: “Chap. Still without a commercial.” Except for the third one, where after the third disastrous effort the agency submitted, the line, “Chap. Now also without an advertising agency” is added.

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3 Spots [00:30]# The framework for this amusing Finish campaign for the Chap chocolate bar is that the two manufacturers are very happy with their product but they haven't yet got a TV commercial to advertise it. Most of the three commercials we are presenting here are in fact three different attempts of an agency to come up with a solution. All of them are terrible and do not leave out a single advertising cliché. The two elderly makers comment on them accordingly. And each of the actual spots we see ends with a pack shot and end line: "Chap. Still without a commercial." Except for the third one, where after the third disastrous effort the agency submitted, the line, "Chap. Now also without an advertising agency" is added.

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