


Young & Rubicam (Y&R), Istanbul


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“Taxi,” “Grandma” + “The Kind” [01:00]# The first commersial in this campaign for Garanti Bank picks up on an idea fisrt seen in Pedro Almodóvar´s “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown,” namely the taxi driver whose taxi is equipped to cater to every conceivabel wish. Here a man catching the cab to the airport is not only provided with newspaper and coffee, but the driver also gets him flight information and books him onto a flight. “Anything else, sir? he finally asks the perplexed passenger. a VO then tells us that this readiness to deal with all kinds of customers demands is exactly what Garanti banks are proud of. In a completely different vein, and shot in black and white, the two other spots for Garanti Bank. “Grandma” shows an elderly woman walking through modern Istanbul and accosted by all those sight and sounds that modern city life throws at you. She finally enters a Garanti Bank branch – throug not to do any transactions but simply to sit in the pleasant suroundings of the newly renovated bank and relax a bit, even take a little nap. Garant Bank´s philosophy, we learn in the final spot, is to put profits into custemer service. This is sweetly demonstrated through the tale of a little boy who makes hir living sellig glasses of water to passers by on the street. The more money he makes that way the more comfort he offers his customers. He buys folding chairs, he gets a big parasol, and, as business continues to boom, he is even able to expand his offer – besides glasses of water, he now also sells lemonade.

More: Young & Rubicam (Y&R) Istanbul

More: Garanti Bank

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"Taxi," "Grandma" + "The Kind" [01:00]# The first commersial in this campaign for Garanti Bank picks up on an idea fisrt seen in Pedro Almodóvar´s "Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown," namely the taxi driver whose taxi is equipped to cater to every conceivabel wish. Here a man catching the cab to the airport is not only provided with newspaper and coffee, but the driver also gets him flight information and books him onto a flight. "Anything else, sir? he finally asks the perplexed passenger. a VO then tells us that this readiness to deal with all kinds of customers demands is exactly what Garanti banks are proud of. In a completely different vein, and shot in black and white, the two other spots for Garanti Bank. "Grandma" shows an elderly woman walking through modern Istanbul and accosted by all those sight and sounds that modern city life throws at you. She finally enters a Garanti Bank branch - throug not to do any transactions but simply to sit in the pleasant suroundings of the newly renovated bank and relax a bit, even take a little nap. Garant Bank´s philosophy, we learn in the final spot, is to put profits into custemer service. This is sweetly demonstrated through the tale of a little boy who makes hir living sellig glasses of water to passers by on the street. The more money he makes that way the more comfort he offers his customers. He buys folding chairs, he gets a big parasol, and, as business continues to boom, he is even able to expand his offer - besides glasses of water, he now also sells lemonade.

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