TBWAChiatDay, Los Angeles
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Cherry Coke “Nuts” + “Different” [00:30]# A stylized, almost abstract image of a woman standing in a doorframe. Ticking of a clock on the soundtrack an a circular super: “I gotta do something different or I´m gonna go nuts.” Then cut to a quick succession of psychedelic shots in which a bottle of Cherry Coke features
prominently. Pay-off: “Do something different.” The second spot follows the same pattern except that we hear the sound of a faucet dripping and the super reads: “Every day should be different from the last. What are you gonna do today?”
- Client Cherry Coke
- Ad Agency TBWAChiatDay, Los Angeles
- Art Director Jerry Gentile
- Copywriter Scott Vincent
- Production Company Kampah Vision, Los Angeles
- Director Kampah