


Wirz, Zurich


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Gloria Haarspray “Café” & “Bahnhof” [00:40]# Filmed in black and white, this spot shows a couple in a café. The woman is talking animatedly, while the man watches her quite spellbound. We hear nothing of their conversation but the supers: “The latest film by Woody Allen” and “The latest interior designer” give us a clue about what she might be holding forth on. Then we notice her beautiful hairdo and another super appears: “The new Gloria hairspray.” The second film in this series shows a young woman on a platform waiting for a train. The supers “Hot Dog,” “Lecce-Hamburg” and “he new Gloria hairspray” flash across the screen in succession.

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Gloria Haarspray "Café" & "Bahnhof" [00:40]# Filmed in black and white, this spot shows a couple in a café. The woman is talking animatedly, while the man watches her quite spellbound. We hear nothing of their conversation but the supers: "The latest film by Woody Allen" and "The latest interior designer" give us a clue about what she might be holding forth on. Then we notice her beautiful hairdo and another super appears: "The new Gloria hairspray." The second film in this series shows a young woman on a platform waiting for a train. The supers "Hot Dog," "Lecce-Hamburg" and "he new Gloria hairspray" flash across the screen in succession.

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