


Hoffman York, Milwaukee


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Minneapolis Ad Fed “It Sucks” [01:05]# The TV screen stays blank while we overhear a man describing what he believes to be a brilliant new idea for a commercial to a colleague. As “Archive” subscribers will immediately realize – he’s describing the famous Hamlet Cigars “Photo Booth” commercial. The words “Its been done” appear on the screen. The guy tries another one of his ideas on his colleagues. This time the “new” idea turns out to be the Joe Isuzu campaign. Again, the words “It’s been done” flash on the screen. His third try finally yields an entirely new idea. To show how moist a cake mix is, a woman bakes a goldfish into the cake . and it survives! “It’s never been done” the man shouts ecstatically. The words “It sucks” appear. Then an invitation card for “The show,” an event staged by the Minneapolis Ad Fed is shown. There you can see lots of interesting new commercials ” none of which . suck.”

More: Hoffman York Milwaukee

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Minneapolis Ad Fed "It Sucks" [01:05]# The TV screen stays blank while we overhear a man describing what he believes to be a brilliant new idea for a commercial to a colleague. As "Archive" subscribers will immediately realize - he's describing the famous Hamlet Cigars "Photo Booth" commercial. The words "Its been done" appear on the screen. The guy tries another one of his ideas on his colleagues. This time the "new" idea turns out to be the Joe Isuzu campaign. Again, the words "It's been done" flash on the screen. His third try finally yields an entirely new idea. To show how moist a cake mix is, a woman bakes a goldfish into the cake . and it survives! "It's never been done" the man shouts ecstatically. The words "It sucks" appear. Then an invitation card for "The show," an event staged by the Minneapolis Ad Fed is shown. There you can see lots of interesting new commercials " none of which . suck."

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