Calegari Berville, Paris
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Guy Degrenne [00:10]# Three short, funny spots for tableware by Guy Degrenne. The individual lines carry the names of the subjects taught in school, such as “Greek”, “Mineralogy” or “Botany”. We see an illustration such as a Greek temple and a very prim voice announces: “Tomorrow at seven: Greek.” The reaction to this is a chorus of disgusted “yeechs.” Then there is a cut to knives, forks and spoons, arranged in a way that mirrors the illustration before. “By Guy Degreen,” the voice then continues. A sigh of delighted relief is the response to this.
- Client Guy Degrenne
- Ad Agency Calegari Berville, Paris
- Art Director Olivier Houel
- Copywriter Luc Rouzier
- Production Company Tele 2000, Paris
- Director Valéry Assenat