


Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), London


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K Shoes “Grate Idea” [00:30]# Resolutely a woman walks into her boss’ office, staples her letter resignation onto his tie and “castrates” the executive toy on his desk. She is about to rush out of the office when the heel of her shoe gets caught in an iron grate. Though still visible shaken, the men in the office must a weak smile of revenge. However, it is not the heel that comes off but the whole grate. The woman hands it to the secretary who, in a show of solidarity, contemptuously throws it before her boss’ feet. Cut to K Shoes logo and the legend: Shoes for the well heeled. Throughout, the film cuts to words that finally make up the message of the film: Whatever you break off, it won’t be our heels.

More: Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) London

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K Shoes "Grate Idea" [00:30]# Resolutely a woman walks into her boss' office, staples her letter resignation onto his tie and "castrates" the executive toy on his desk. She is about to rush out of the office when the heel of her shoe gets caught in an iron grate. Though still visible shaken, the men in the office must a weak smile of revenge. However, it is not the heel that comes off but the whole grate. The woman hands it to the secretary who, in a show of solidarity, contemptuously throws it before her boss' feet. Cut to K Shoes logo and the legend: Shoes for the well heeled. Throughout, the film cuts to words that finally make up the message of the film: Whatever you break off, it won't be our heels.

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