


Contrapunto BBDO, Madrid


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RNE “Chico” [00:45]# A young man is listening to the radio. Next to his head various station call numbers can be seen. He tunes into a cooking program, and while a chef is giving instructions how to cut up poultry, a chicken appears from the left, climbs into right ear, then remerges from his left ear, looking a bit disheveled. Then, as the young man listens to a stockmarket report, the words are pictured as entering his left ear and coming out of his mouth garbled. He finally listens to a boxing match – the boxers warm up outside his head and disappear into it. he finds this so gripping that he himself ends up with a black eye. Claim: Spanish National Radio. Everything you can imagine.

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RNE "Chico" [00:45]# A young man is listening to the radio. Next to his head various station call numbers can be seen. He tunes into a cooking program, and while a chef is giving instructions how to cut up poultry, a chicken appears from the left, climbs into right ear, then remerges from his left ear, looking a bit disheveled. Then, as the young man listens to a stockmarket report, the words are pictured as entering his left ear and coming out of his mouth garbled. He finally listens to a boxing match - the boxers warm up outside his head and disappear into it. he finds this so gripping that he himself ends up with a black eye. Claim: Spanish National Radio. Everything you can imagine.

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