


Publicis, Frankfurt


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Pan Am “Der Nörgler” [00:45]# Mandred Krug, a popular German TV actor who specializes in Archie Bunker type characters, plays a passenger on a Pan Am flight who is highly skeptical about the service he can expect. “A scheduled flight’, he says, “with Pan Am . at this price? Ridiculous. There must be a catch somewhere. They’ll probably make us clean the cockpit or help the stewardesses make coffee .. if they have stewardesses .” Promptly a stewardess materializes and hands him a tray with assorted delicacies. When asked what he would like to drink, Krug decided to test his luck and, ask for red wine. “.French red wine that is!” When he is actually handed a glass of it, he’s taken aback. As he is leaving, he is asked whether he enjoyed his flight. “Of course, I wouldn’t have expected anything else”, he lies, kissing the stewardess’ hand.

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Pan Am "Der Nörgler" [00:45]# Mandred Krug, a popular German TV actor who specializes in Archie Bunker type characters, plays a passenger on a Pan Am flight who is highly skeptical about the service he can expect. "A scheduled flight', he says, "with Pan Am . at this price? Ridiculous. There must be a catch somewhere. They'll probably make us clean the cockpit or help the stewardesses make coffee .. if they have stewardesses ." Promptly a stewardess materializes and hands him a tray with assorted delicacies. When asked what he would like to drink, Krug decided to test his luck and, ask for red wine. ".French red wine that is!" When he is actually handed a glass of it, he's taken aback. As he is leaving, he is asked whether he enjoyed his flight. "Of course, I wouldn't have expected anything else", he lies, kissing the stewardess' hand.

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