


Howell Henry Chaldecott Lury & Partners, London


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Bio Friendly “Hypocritical”, “Yum Yum” & “Irresistible” [00:30]#
Filmed with subjective camera, these three spots for Bio Friendly gardening products present us with a greenfly’s view of things. I the first spot, it rails against the hypocrisy inherent in Bio Friendly’s Pest Pistol. “It kills thousands of greenfly with a clear conscience,” the greenfly moans from the off, “just because it’s harmless to cute little ladybugs.” In the following spot, the greenfly, with a lick of his lips lists the natural contents of bio Friendly Plant Food, “All that just to feed us greenflies,” it ends, deluded. In the third and final spot in this campaign, the greenfly tells us that the yellow color of Bio Friendly’s Fly Catcher is irresistible to whitefly – but also to greenfly, it then admits – which marks the end of this off narrator.

More: Howell Henry Chaldecott Lury & Partners London

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Bio Friendly "Hypocritical", "Yum Yum" & "Irresistible" [00:30]# Filmed with subjective camera, these three spots for Bio Friendly gardening products present us with a greenfly's view of things. I the first spot, it rails against the hypocrisy inherent in Bio Friendly's Pest Pistol. "It kills thousands of greenfly with a clear conscience," the greenfly moans from the off, "just because it's harmless to cute little ladybugs." In the following spot, the greenfly, with a lick of his lips lists the natural contents of bio Friendly Plant Food, "All that just to feed us greenflies," it ends, deluded. In the third and final spot in this campaign, the greenfly tells us that the yellow color of Bio Friendly's Fly Catcher is irresistible to whitefly - but also to greenfly, it then admits - which marks the end of this off narrator.

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