


DDB, Los Angeles


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GTE “Embarrassing Mom” [00:30]# A teenage girl comes into the kitchen to discover her mother on the phone, discussing her. “One time she stuck a green bean in her ear and had to go to the hospital.” “Well, she’s always had this ting about her weight,” she continues, “for her first Halloween she was a bunny. She looked so cute.” The girl now gets a bit suspicious, “Is that grandma?” she asks her mother. “No, it’s some boy named Jason. From your school.” The mortified girl lets out a bloodcurdling scream. GTE now offer a special phone service which identifies the caller and lets one know whether it is for the parents or the kids.

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GTE "Embarrassing Mom" [00:30]# A teenage girl comes into the kitchen to discover her mother on the phone, discussing her. "One time she stuck a green bean in her ear and had to go to the hospital." "Well, she's always had this ting about her weight," she continues, "for her first Halloween she was a bunny. She looked so cute." The girl now gets a bit suspicious, "Is that grandma?" she asks her mother. "No, it's some boy named Jason. From your school." The mortified girl lets out a bloodcurdling scream. GTE now offer a special phone service which identifies the caller and lets one know whether it is for the parents or the kids.

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