


Jean & Montmarin, Paris


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Nomad “La gloire au fond des filets” [00:45]
The meteoric rise of a young soccer player to superstardom with French soccer trainer Guy Roux as the bully who pushes and cajoles him along. Towards the end of the commercial, the soccer player picks up a young woman and takes her to his hotel room, only to find Guy Roux hovering beneath the sheets and ordering him to run several laps around the place Vendôme. The pay-off for this latest instalment in the campaign for the “pre-paid” Nomad cell phone is: “You’d better take a close look before you make a commitment.”

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Nomad "La gloire au fond des filets" [00:45] The meteoric rise of a young soccer player to superstardom with French soccer trainer Guy Roux as the bully who pushes and cajoles him along. Towards the end of the commercial, the soccer player picks up a young woman and takes her to his hotel room, only to find Guy Roux hovering beneath the sheets and ordering him to run several laps around the place Vendôme. The pay-off for this latest instalment in the campaign for the "pre-paid" Nomad cell phone is: "You'd better take a close look before you make a commitment."

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