UTI Banbk
McCann, Mumbai
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People living in and out of cardboard
boxes are a sad sight to behold in many
Western cities. In this spot, however,
the family in which the father wakes up
to the alarm clock ringing from inside a
cardboard box, as the mother scours the
floor with water from a bucket inside a
box, and the child rides its rocking
horse inside a box are not homeless at
all. They have just moved apartments
one time too many to even bother
removing their possessions from these
boxes. Perhaps it’s time to buy a place
of one’s own, this commercial suggests,
and recommends the UTI Bank’s favorable
home loans.
- Client UTI Banbk
- Ad Agency McCann, Mumbai
- Art Director Manish Bhatt , Renu Karwa
- Copywriter Raghu Bhat , Kapil Tammal
- Production Company Chrome Pictures, Mumbai
- Director Amit Sharma , Aleya Sen