


Euro RSCG, London


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Melodrama à la “Emergency Room” in the service of the haircare range from Vo5. Dramatic scenes are taking place in casualty. An especially acute case of split ends has been brought in. Fast action is essential to survival here and, with the skilled nurse at their side, the Vo5 doctors save her life just in the nick of time. The sample shows that the hair is still alive, and simply oozing vitality. In the second case, too, a selection of Vo5 products enable the physicians to breath new life into the patient’s hair. We shall have to wait until next time to see who “wins” the date with the chief consultant.

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Melodrama à la “Emergency Room” in the service of the haircare range from Vo5. Dramatic scenes are taking place in casualty. An especially acute case of split ends has been brought in. Fast action is essential to survival here and, with the skilled nurse at their side, the Vo5 doctors save her life just in the nick of time. The sample shows that the hair is still alive, and simply oozing vitality. In the second case, too, a selection of Vo5 products enable the physicians to breath new life into the patient’s hair. We shall have to wait until next time to see who “wins” the date with the chief consultant.

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