Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), New York
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Vaseline “Sea” (01:00) #
A highly harmonious choreography in
which countless naked bodies go through
the most diverse of movements to mime
the functions of the human body’s biggest organ. The lavish production – comprising everything from a huge host of
little boats full of people to individuals
embracing one another – is explained by
a voiceover, who speaks of the “amazing” functions skin cells are able to perform. One discovers, for example, how
many cells our skin actually has (300 million), and learns about its self-healing properties and resistance to water. Tagline:
“Vaseline. Your skin is amazing – look after it.”
- Client Vaseline
- Ad Agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), New York
- Art Director Andre Massis, Jon Randazzo
- Copywriter Jordan Kramer, Amir Farhang
- Production Company Stink, Smuggler, Los Angeles
- Director Ivan Zacharias
More: Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) New York
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