

Virgin Atlantic Airways

NetWork BBDO, Hyde Park, Johannesburg


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Virgin Atlantic “Breast Exam” (00:45) #
Presented in the sparsely illustrated manner of airline safety instructions, this commercial for Virgin Atlantic introduces us to
a rather unusual “safety precaution.” The
protagonist shows us how to conduct a
quick test for breast cancer while flying.
She takes off her top and provides precise instructions on how the test has to
be performed. Once she has finished, she
lounges back in her seat and has the
flight attendant bring her a drink. Claim:
“The most private seat in the sky. Virgin
Atlantic. Upper Class Suite.”

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Virgin Atlantic Airways

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Virgin Atlantic “Breast Exam” (00:45) # Presented in the sparsely illustrated manner of airline safety instructions, this commercial for Virgin Atlantic introduces us to a rather unusual “safety precaution.” The protagonist shows us how to conduct a quick test for breast cancer while flying. She takes off her top and provides precise instructions on how the test has to be performed. Once she has finished, she lounges back in her seat and has the flight attendant bring her a drink. Claim: “The most private seat in the sky. Virgin Atlantic. Upper Class Suite.”

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