Voice of The Children
Leo Burnett, Kuala Lumpur
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Voice Of The Children “Speak Up”#
How many videos of actual bullying victims being hurt have you already seen on social media – and how much help did the victimized person get? None, of course, since everyone around was too busy filming instead of actually trying to stop what was happening. This spot is a kind of an interactive ad in which we see someone being victimized and filmed and, while being hurt, saying exactly what you could do to help – which does not, of course, mean sharing such images on your phone.
- Client Voice of The Children
- Ad Agency Leo Burnett, Kuala Lumpur
- Creative Director James Yap, Jaz Lee
- Copywriter Jaz Lee
- Production Company Another Planet Films Sdn Bhd
- Director Emir Ezwan, Nadiah Hamzah, Syed Madnuh
More: Leo Burnett Kuala Lumpur
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