

Volkswagen Golf Plus

DDB, London


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Volkswagen Golf Plus “The Great Pretender” (01:00) #
Hitherto presented in such an oh-so-maleand-sporty fashion, the VW Golf Plus is
here shown in a new guise. Having hung
up its laddish image, it now switches – in
this commercial playing to the strain of
50s hit “The Great Pretender” – to “the
power of understatement.” Accordingly,
the poser we meet here, all swagger and
artificial smile, does not go down too well
with either colleagues or friends. The
new-style Golf driver, for his part, is reserved and considerate and, having since
dumped jeans and trainers, elegantly
garbed in suit and tie.

More: DDB London

More: Volkswagen Golf Plus

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Volkswagen Golf Plus

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Volkswagen Golf Plus “The Great Pretender” (01:00) # Hitherto presented in such an oh-so-maleand-sporty fashion, the VW Golf Plus is here shown in a new guise. Having hung up its laddish image, it now switches – in this commercial playing to the strain of 50s hit “The Great Pretender” – to “the power of understatement.” Accordingly, the poser we meet here, all swagger and artificial smile, does not go down too well with either colleagues or friends. The new-style Golf driver, for his part, is reserved and considerate and, having since dumped jeans and trainers, elegantly garbed in suit and tie.

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