VW Volkswagen
DDB, Berlin
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Volkswagen “Kids On Steps” (00:30) #
Two boys are sitting on the doorstep
and pretend to be driving – complete
with the production of suitable sound
effects, of course. We do start wondering,
though, when one of them continues
making driving noises until his head
turns a beetroot colour. The dénouement:
The new VW Golf’s automatic
transmission. It changes gears ever so
- Client VW Volkswagen
- Ad Agency DDB, Berlin
- Art Director Mathias Stiller, Brat Kooij, Scott Smith
- Copywriter Nico Akkerman, Wolfgang Schneider, Vinny Warren
- Production Company Cobblestone, Hamburg
- Director Sebastian Strasser
More: DDB Berlin
More: VW Volkswagen
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