

VW Volkswagen Lupo

DDB, London


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VW Lupo : “Baby” [01:00]# A nurse is startled by an unexpected noise from the ward. She slowly moves down the hall to find the source, wearing a concerned, almost frightened expression. She sees a pair of doors bent asunder, adding to her fear. But, bravely, she proceeds. Further down the hall, there is a man in a bed that has been mangled. She catches sight of a small figure. She calls it by name and gives chase: “Lupo, Lupo!” When she catches up with it, it is just a baby, but a tough one. Just like the Volkswagen family’s baby, the smallest car in their selection: the Lupo!

More: DDB London

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VW Volkswagen Lupo

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VW Lupo : "Baby" [01:00]# A nurse is startled by an unexpected noise from the ward. She slowly moves down the hall to find the source, wearing a concerned, almost frightened expression. She sees a pair of doors bent asunder, adding to her fear. But, bravely, she proceeds. Further down the hall, there is a man in a bed that has been mangled. She catches sight of a small figure. She calls it by name and gives chase: "Lupo, Lupo!" When she catches up with it, it is just a baby, but a tough one. Just like the Volkswagen family's baby, the smallest car in their selection: the Lupo!

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