

VW Volkswagen Polo

DDB, Berlin


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In a police car by the side of a highway,
an incredulous officer reads out an accident
report given to him by a young
driver (he may look familiar to Florian
Lukas, an actor in the 2001 German hit
movie “Goodbye, Lenin.”) This accident
involves a truck ramming the young
man’s car, causing it to roll over several
times, go through the central crash barrier
onto the other side of the road,
where another lorry catapults him down
a bank, etc. The driver listens to the
outrageous report unfazed. A tiny dent,
the driver hastens to add, was already
there. Super: “Relax. It’s the new Polo.”

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VW Volkswagen Polo

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In a police car by the side of a highway, an incredulous officer reads out an accident report given to him by a young driver (he may look familiar to Florian Lukas, an actor in the 2001 German hit movie “Goodbye, Lenin.”) This accident involves a truck ramming the young man’s car, causing it to roll over several times, go through the central crash barrier onto the other side of the road, where another lorry catapults him down a bank, etc. The driver listens to the outrageous report unfazed. A tiny dent, the driver hastens to add, was already there. Super: “Relax. It’s the new Polo.”

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