

VW Volkswagen Touran

Agence .V., Paris


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Volkswagen Touran “Ghost Train” (00:50) #
Ghost trains, a popular motif in the world
of advertising, again feature in this spot
for the Touran. We witness the many stations a man passes through on the way to
becoming a father. The spooky ride takes
him from a club overloaded with luscious
beauties to a trip up the side of a wedding cake, and on to fatherhood as we
see him armed with a baby’s bottle, his
sundry offspring scattering food around
the entire kitchen and the toy vehicle –
lights flashing and tyres squealing – leaving a trail of garbage around the house.
Once the destination has been reached,
however, the journey proves to have been
worthwhile: standing in the middle of the
field is a VW Touran. Pay-off: “Finally, it’s
great to be a dad.”

More: Agence .V. Paris

More: VW Volkswagen Touran

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VW Volkswagen Touran

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Volkswagen Touran “Ghost Train” (00:50) # Ghost trains, a popular motif in the world of advertising, again feature in this spot for the Touran. We witness the many stations a man passes through on the way to becoming a father. The spooky ride takes him from a club overloaded with luscious beauties to a trip up the side of a wedding cake, and on to fatherhood as we see him armed with a baby’s bottle, his sundry offspring scattering food around the entire kitchen and the toy vehicle – lights flashing and tyres squealing – leaving a trail of garbage around the house. Once the destination has been reached, however, the journey proves to have been worthwhile: standing in the middle of the field is a VW Touran. Pay-off: “Finally, it’s great to be a dad.”

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