


Publicis, Bangkok


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Wangkanai “Chang-Chack” (01:30) #
In amusing style, this spot shows us how
the sugar plantations of Wangkanai are
often looted by elephants. A herd of elephants is just about to tuck into the sugar
cane when one of them pretends it has
been poisoned, crashing to the ground in
agony with foam issuing from its mouth.
The whole herd subsequently rushes off,
leaving the dissembler to chow down on
his own. “Guaranteed by nature,” the
pay-off informs us. In the follow-up, the
same elephant goes in for the same routine – this time, however, for the benefit
of the Wangkanai sugar farmer. Yet the
latter is not about to be deceived and,
rather than leaving the beast to graze the
field on its own, himself falls to the ground
foaming at the mouth.

More: Publicis Bangkok

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Wangkanai “Chang-Chack” (01:30) # In amusing style, this spot shows us how the sugar plantations of Wangkanai are often looted by elephants. A herd of elephants is just about to tuck into the sugar cane when one of them pretends it has been poisoned, crashing to the ground in agony with foam issuing from its mouth. The whole herd subsequently rushes off, leaving the dissembler to chow down on his own. “Guaranteed by nature,” the pay-off informs us. In the follow-up, the same elephant goes in for the same routine – this time, however, for the benefit of the Wangkanai sugar farmer. Yet the latter is not about to be deceived and, rather than leaving the beast to graze the field on its own, himself falls to the ground foaming at the mouth.

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