Wellington Zoo
Saatchi & Saatchi, Auckland
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Wellington Zoo “Look Here’s A Ginger
One” (00:30) #
This spot for Wellington Zoo observes
goings-on around the animal enclosure
from the “other side of the fence.” What
we hear are not the disquisitions on the
behaviour of the animals that have just
been watched but the comments of the
animals on the little girl enjoying her ice
lolly while looking through the bars of
the cage. Amazing to hear how dangerous
the little redhead might be! If the
words of the two are to be believed, the
little girl is, in fact, highly poisonous all
over her entire body. Anyone touching
her will die – right there on the spot.
- Client Wellington Zoo
- Ad Agency Saatchi & Saatchi, Auckland
- Art Director Matty Burton
- Copywriter Dave Bowman
- Production Company Double Cove, New Zealand
- Director Warren Bradshow