


BBDO, Oslo


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Yoplait “Better In French” (00:35) #
This commercial shows us a French classic
from the 50s in a poorly dubbed English
version. We are witness to an archetypal
jealousy scene: she welcomes him at the
front door, catches a whiff of a cheap
scent on his suit, and slaps him in the
face. Just a moment later, however, she is
apologizing to her husband, falling into
his arms, imploring him never to leave
her, the anxious question on her lips: “Do
you still love me?” It all sounds very silly
indeed. Pay-off: “Some things are better
in French. Yoplait – The French Yoghurt.”

More: BBDO Oslo

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Yoplait “Better In French” (00:35) # This commercial shows us a French classic from the 50s in a poorly dubbed English version. We are witness to an archetypal jealousy scene: she welcomes him at the front door, catches a whiff of a cheap scent on his suit, and slaps him in the face. Just a moment later, however, she is apologizing to her husband, falling into his arms, imploring him never to leave her, the anxious question on her lips: “Do you still love me?” It all sounds very silly indeed. Pay-off: “Some things are better in French. Yoplait – The French Yoghurt.”

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