

Your Nequi with all the powers

Creamos, Medellin


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Even though more than 20 million Colombians use Nequi, only 9% have requested the Nequi Visa Card, as many still associate cards with debt and stress.

The Nequi Visa Card isn’t just another card, it’s an extension of your Nequi that unlocks a new level. How do we get Colombians to request the card and see the value it adds to their Nequi?

When you have the Nequi Visa Card, you unlock new powers for your Nequi.

We turned Colombians into the ultimate experts on power: superheroes, and the benefits of the Nequi Visa Card into abilities that you unlock with every use. The illustrations, inspired by classic comics, show how each payment is a heroic feat with the Nequi Visa Card.

More: Creamos Medellin

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